On behalf of Upper Silesian Division of the Polish Acoustical Society (main organizer) and Committee of Acoustics of the Polish Academy of Sciences (coorganizers) we are pleased to inform that:
on 26 February - 29 February, 2024, we will organize the next "Winter Schools" containing the
52nd Winter School on Wave and Quantum Acoustics.
Thus, just now we cordially invite YOU to participate within this Conference,
as only your participation constitutes the basis for co-creation of the Conference.
Conference will contain: “Workshop on Acoustoelectronics” and “MindLab on Functional Materials and Workshop on Molecular Acoustics, Relaxation and Calorimetric Methods”.
We would like to invite scientific centers and groups to cooperate in organizing workshops on the subjects of their interests related to the theme of the Conference.
On behalf of the Organizers
Yours faithfully
Aneta Olszewska