All financial issues can be handled through the treasurer of the Organizing Committee:

Dr hab. inż.  Kamil Barczak
Katedra Optoelektroniki Politechniki Śląskiej
ul. B. Krzywoustego 2
44-100 Gliwice

All issues concerning Winter School on Environmental Acoustics and Vibroacoustics and publication of „Materials” can be handled through the conference chairman:

Dr hab. inż. Artur Nowoświat
Katedra Procesów Budowlanych i Fizyki Budowli
ul. Akademicka 5
44-100 Gliwice
tel.: (+32) 237 2315


All issues concerning the conference in general can be handled through the chairman of the Upper Silesian Division of the Polish Acoustics Society, the conference coordinator:

Dr inż. Aneta Olszewska
Katedra Optoelektroniki Politechniki Śląskiej
ul. B. Krzywoustego 2/424
44 -100 Gliwice


All information can also be passed through the secretariat of the Institute of Physics – Center for Science and Education of the Silesian University of Technology:

Institute of Physics - Centre for Science and Education
Konarskiego 22B
44-100 Gliwice
Tel.: + 48 32 2372216



Department of Optoelectronics
Silesian University of Technology
Krzywoustego 2/429
44-100 Gliwice

tel., faks: (+32) 237 2182


„Materials from the 51st Winter School on Environmental Acoustics and Vibroacoustics” will be published before the conference. Detailed instructions how to prepare texts are available in „Instructions for Authors” („Instructions for Authors in PDF file”). We kindly ask you to provide texts in Word (*.doc or *.docx) and Adobe (*.pdf) files. Published materials will be given to all conference participants during registration.

Conference materials will be published by Upper Silesian Division of the Polish Acoustics Society.

For several years papers presented at conferences co-organized by the Polish Acoustics Society have been announced in the main magazine of the Society, which is „Archives of Acoustics”. We encourage all authors to prepare suitable materials according to „Instruction how to Prepare Abstracts for AA”.

Please also consider preparing your papers in the version acceptable for „Archives of Acoustics”. It is possible to speed up the publication of selected works.

Deadline for abstracts is 31st January 2024.

We would like to kindly remind you that the current sanitary restrictions related to COVID-19 should be applied at the Meta Hotel and during conference sessions.


Programme of WSEAV - click here


Additional information about events in the programme:


Monday 28.02.2022,  17:30-18:15

MUSIC GLANCE – for more information about ALTRA VOLTA STRING QUARTET click here


Tuesday 01.03.2022,  20.00

Festive Supper (Banquet) in the initial part, the performance of the jazz band "CSW Trio" - for more information click here

The conference is a forum for all fields of environmental acoustics and vibroacoustics. In particular it concerns the following issues:

  • transportation noise,
  • industrial noise,
  • protection against noise,
  • room acoustics,
  • acoustic climate,
  • soundscape,
  • vibroacoustics of machines etc.

During the conference theoretical, experimental, measurement and technical (applied) works are presented. The works still in progress, not fully finished, are often reported.

As new lectures concerning other issue are delivered, other thematic groups may be formed.

The languages of the conference are Polish and English.

   full fee
PAS and EAA member student
accompanying person**
 3050 PLN 3050 PLN  3050 PLN 3050 PLN
 conference fee
 900 PLN  850 PLN  700 PLN ---
 3950 PLN  3900 PLN 3750 PLN  3050 PLN

**IMPORTANT: An accompanying person has to register. In accordance with the requirements of the META Hotel, an accomodation of the Conference Participant in a single room is associated with an additional fee of PLN 1000. (The number of single rooms is limited)


* accommodation includes:

- hotel,

- meals (breakfast, dinner, supper),

- associated events:

          - coffee breaks,

          - banquet,

          - special event.


**IMPORTANT: An accompanying person has to register.



After the 31st January 2025 all total fees will be raised by 200 PLN.

The fee should be paid in Polish (PLN) or foreign currency to the following bank account:

Polskie Towarzystwo Akustyczne O/Górnośląski
ul. Krzywoustego 2
44 - 100 Gliwice
NIP: 779-20-62-580
Name of the Bank: PKO BP SA, I/O GLIWICE
Account No: 53 1020 2401 0000 0502 0173 8087

In case of cancelation from participation in the Conference, we guarantee the following reimbursement:

  • 75% of a fee paid before February 15th, 2025
  • 25% of a fee paid after February 15th, 2025